Nov 20, 2007

Why AJAX Update Panel Causing Errors?

AJAX update panel, throw an error if we use methods such as Response.Write(), Server.Transfer() etc. But it's works fine with Response.Redirect() method.

This is really happen to me. As my knowledge I suppose, because Update Panel process response proportionally or fetch only changes to the current response, instead of whole response. That's why we cant see the whole page get refreshed even if a post back occurs.

In my web application, when user click on print button it should bring up a new pop-up window with the preview. Since this button is inside the UpdatePanel it throws an exception.

protected void OnPrintClick(object sender, EventAgrs e)
Response.Write("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\"reports.aspx\",\"\",\"toolbar=0,

When run this line, I got following error.

I change above code as follows,

protected void OnPrintClick(object sender, EventAgrs e)
StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
// Register java script to the ScriptManager.
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(),
"winOpen", _sb.ToString(), true);

It works now as I expected.

Nov 19, 2007

For Career

Read this before you make a decision
(Courtesy: Yahoo! Inc.)

Master Page's Events

The following is the events sequence with master page & content page
  1. Master page controls Init event
  2. Content controls Init event
  3. Master page Init event
  4. Content page Init event
  5. Content page Load event.
  6. Master page Load event.
  7. Content controls Load event.
  8. Content page PreRender event.
  9. Master page PreRender event.
  10. Master page controls PreRender event
  11. Content controls PreRender event

MEC: How to Set Message Counter for EDI Message

When you sending/creating EDI messages it is necessary to include unique message interchange number. This is to ensure each message that we ...