Mar 11, 2011

DB2/iSeries .net Driver Post Installation Issue

I have installed DB2/iSeries .net driver on my 32bit(Windows 2003 R2) and 64bit(Windows 2008) production servers, which are having .net ver 3.5 SP1 and ver 4.0 respectively.

This is caused to stopped running applications.

image You will received above error or “Service Unavailable” error message.

The reason is, as screen shot showing read/read-execution permission of IIS service account to read machine.config has gone.

Set permission for IIS_WPG user as follows,


Mar 10, 2011

Visual Studio 2010: Displaying Assembly in “Add Reference” Dialog Box

When you add .net assemblies to the GAC, it is not true they will show in “Add reference” dialog in Visual Studio IDE.

I found link which describe the steps that we want to follow.

But, it is not working for VS2010. To work with need to set following Reg Key path.

(Default)= “Assembly Folder path”

MEC: How to Set Message Counter for EDI Message

When you sending/creating EDI messages it is necessary to include unique message interchange number. This is to ensure each message that we ...